Try the Creatixo questionnaire for free

Have a go with our online personality questionnaire. We will immediately send you a sample (shortened version) of our Creatixo Feedback Report mapping out your strongest competencies.

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Creatixo Questionnaire

The Creatixo questionnaire is a self-assessment personality questionnaire. As a method of personality and professional diagnostics, it will help you understand the strengths and areas for development of both individuals and teams.

Creatixo Competence Model

Creatixo maps 9 competencies of innovation, creativity and productivity. 9 competencies are further divided into a total of 77 sub competences. We focus on the entire process of cooperation, innovation and the ability to implement a successful product, project or service.

What is competence?

Competence is a conjoining term for skills, attributes and abilities.

Development with Creatixo

It is not the goal to be the best in all 9 competencies. You need different types of people in a team – analytical and spontaneous, determined and supportive, inquisitive and pragmatic… Creatixo helps individuals to know their strengths and work together effectively.

Creatixo instructors and coaches work with individuals to achieve their goals. Creatixo implements development programs in organizations.

Online platform

Take Creatixo questionnaire directly online in your your browser. The platform is responsive and of course works on your smartphone or tablet as well. Answer a series of self-assessment questions. The good bit is there are no correct or incorrect answers. You have as much time as you need, most people found they needed around 25 minutes. You can download the Creatixo Feedback Report in the app or opt to have it sent by email.

Creatixo platform as well all Reports are in English.

How we came up with Creatixo questionnaire

Our goal was to create a method that would work for work life as well as the personal one. A method that would map out a person’s talents and help them further develop them.

We did some extensive research before developing the questionnaire. We searched in historical and contemporary sources to understand all the definitions of innovative, creative and productive person.

More about the offer

We got almost 100 descriptions of behavior, which we grouped into 9 coherent competencies. We statistically verified and revised the resulting competency model.

We also include psychologists in the development of the questionnaire. We are constantly coming up with new research in the field of innovation, creativity and productivity. We continue to improve and enrich our methods.

More about the offer

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I would like to use Creatixo in my company. I am interested in self-development programs, innovation and team coaching.

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